A Guide to Different Types of Washing Lines and How to Choose One

Many people have turned towards the dryer since it was invented. It’s an easy and fast way to dry your clothes. But sometimes dryers can make clothes shrink, damage or even discolour them. The only thing that will never let you down is a ground-mounted clothesline. Yes, it can be tedious to hang all of those clothes one by one, but you know they’ll be as good as new when you take them out. Over the years manufacturers created several types of washing lines to fit them in every home and solved our drying problems.

Types of Washing Lines


Freestanding clothes line
source: milkcan.com.au

This is one of the most common washing lines. It’s a favourite among Australians because of its simplicity. It can fit into any space no matter if you have a small or a large backyard, patio or porch. This versatile and highly functional freestanding washing line is easy to set up and use. It has many advantages and one of them is that it saves you money by not using electricity.

It’ll also keep your clothes fresh and wear and tear-free. They can also fold down to make things even easier. Almost all of them are adjustable in height so no matter how high you are, you can still use one. Some of them can be installed in the ground and some need ground mount plates. This choice depends on the location of the washing line.

The most common material is galvanised steel and they come in a variety of colours such as black, white, grey, brown etc. Their size can vary as well. They can have anywhere from 5 to 13 or more lines. The number of lines depends on how many people live and the house and how often you wash clothes.


Rotary clothing line
source: ebay.co.uk

This is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think about washing lines. It’s a common sight in gardens and other outdoor spaces. They can be installed in 2 ways. The newer models have a concrete base that holds it in place, and the others can be installed directly into the ground without a base.

Their main advantage is that it’s almost impossible for any type of weather condition to tip them over. They’re very convenient because they rotate, and you don’t have to move from one side to the other to do the laundry. You can simply rotate it and have a new, fresh line every time.


Portable clothing line
source: quildinc.co.uk

The portable washing line is another popular option. It looks similar to the rotary one, but its biggest advantage is the portability feature. You won’t be forced to use it in just one place. This is a big benefit if you’re dealing with valuable limited space in your backyard or porch. It’s also convenient to take with you on your camping trips and move it indoors when it starts raining. The only disadvantage may be its stability. Strong winds may tip it over at some point.

Wall Mounted

Wall mounted clothing line
source: pinterest.com.au

This is the latest innovation when it comes to washing lines. You can use it both indoors and outdoors. It’s very convenient and a combination of a retractable and rotary line. Just as the name implies, you’ll need to mount it on a wall with the help of some screws and the mount. It’s a simple task and anyone can do it.

When the line is mounted, you just pull a handle and the lines fall down, released by the clip. When the clothes are dry you’ll need to push the device into its original position and you’re done. Some of these washing lines come with a cover, to protect your clothes from the elements, plus, you can choose the height you install it on so it’s most comfortable for you.

Retractable Lines

source: onbuy.com

This is a device that’s one of the most space-saving ones. It stretches between 2 points, from one place to another. There’s a casing that contains the lines and at the end of each line, there are hooks you use to secure them in place. When you’re done, the spring-loaded mechanism will pull the lines back into the casing.

This is a great choice if you have a big outdoor space your kids want to play in. The lines won’t be in their way line with the freestanding washing line. They can sometimes be a bit expensive but it’s worth the investment because they’re also very durable.

What to Consider When Buying


Before going out and buying a washing line, you should always measure the space you have available. Ensure you leave enough room for movement around it so you can comfortably do the chore. Make sure it’s at least 50cm away from a wall, pipelines, hot places etc. For safety reasons.

Also, consider the capacity of washing loads you do every day or every week. If you don’t do a lot of loads, you don’t need a big line. But if you do wash a lot of clothes, then you’ll need a large line that can fit everything. There are many different sizes of washing lines, and you’ll find something to fit your needs.

Drying Space

Every drying space is measured in meters. These lengths can vary from 30 to 60m and some are even larger. On average, a 40m drying space is enough to fit around 4 loads of washing. But this also depends on the items you wash. One load of sheets and bedding won’t take the same amount of space as one load of t-shirts and jeans.


The height is important as well. This mostly depends on you, how high you are and what’s the most comfortable height for you. Most of the lines are adjustable and can move up to 50cm in height, but if you buy a non-adjustable one, make sure it fits you well.


There are some extra features you should look for in a washing line. Almost every ground-mounted clothesline comes with a cover that will protect your clothes against rain, snow, wind and other natural elements. Ground spikes can help you install the line faster and make it safer. Look for a foldable product that will make storage easier and adjustability is always a good idea.

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