First-Time Parents: A Guide to Choosing the Best Swaddle for Your Baby

There are many good reasons why mums should start swaddling their babies from day one. It protects them against their natural startle reflex, which means better sleep for both of you. It may help calm a colicky baby. It helps eliminate anxiety in your infant by imitating your touch, which helps your little one learns to self-soothe and it keeps their little hands off their face to prevent scratching. It will also help your newborn feel more secure and comforted, just like they were in the womb.

While mums-to-be who understand the importance of swaddling try out different swaddles until they find the ideal fit, the process of determining what’s best for their newborn can be too much for them to handle, especially first-time parents. To help you make the best selection possible we have compiled the following guide on how to choose the best swaddle for your baby.

Choose High-Quality Fabrics

Fabrics are crucial in the selection process. So, pick a high-quality infant swaddle made of soft and breathable fabrics to snug your little one in comfort and joy! Even though swaddles these days are made of different fabrics, the ones made of cotton and bamboo are the best because they are soft to the touch, quite pleasant for babies, and make newborns feel at rest.

Swaddle wraps made of bamboo fibres are especially popular among parents since they offer the utmost protection from harmful bacteria because of their anti-microbial properties. Bamboo also has a remarkable capacity for heat and moisture absorption, keeping your baby both warm and comfortable.

Likewise, cotton swaddles are a perfect choice for keeping your baby cool and dry during the summer without disturbing their sleep because they absorb moisture and prevent heat shock!

Pick the Type that Best Suits Your Baby

Since not every infant swaddle is created equal, there are three basic types many parents turn to when swaddling their babies.

Traditional Blanket

Baby wrapped in a blanket

When compiling your newborn essentials checklist, a blanket with a variety of patterns and styles that can be used as a conventional swaddling wrap is a must-have! These blankets are also amazing at imitating your touch. They are quite cosy and versatile enough to be utilized in a variety of settings.

You can also experiment with different swaddling techniques. The best thing yet is that a traditional swaddling blanket can endure longer and be applied in various ways in the future as your toddles gets older. However, it works best for fussier babies that want a lot of peace to sleep!


Baby in a sleepsack

These newborn swaddles are a combination of sleep slacks and conventional swaddles. Babies feel comfortable and at ease because they are loose and comfortable. Sleepsack swaddles are the safest options for babies, especially fussier ones, as it is a wearable blanket that cannot be easily undone.

To keep your toddler safe in your arms, swaddle sacks frequently come with a straightforward, easy-to-fasten closure design, zippers, Velcro, and snaps.

Swaddle Pods

Baby in a swaddle pod

Swaddle pods are elasticized pods with a zipper. The pod resembles the sleepsack in many aspects but it’s more flexible. For that reason, it keeps your baby tucked in and gives off a cosy, warm feeling similar to that of the womb.

Pods are a perfect option because babies may move their limbs freely and an elastic wrap helps to reduce the problem of hip movement. Additionally, some designs have convertible styles that enable you to wrap your little one without having to use your arms as a barrier. These newborn swaddles are also a safer option when your baby starts to roll over.

Find the Perfect Size

For those who keep on wondering whether they have picked the ideal size for their newborn swaddle, keep in mind that it’s too small if you can’t comfortably fit two fingers between the baby’s chest and the swaddling blanket. On the other hand, it may be excessively big if there is simply too much material to manage. This means that there are fabric snags or that the baby doesn’t seem to be comforted by the wrap but rather appears lost in it.

Simply put, swaddles for newborns come in two sizes: 40×40 inches and 48×48 inches. However, check the swaddle size chart provided by the manufacturer before purchasing the size that will best fit the weight and size of your newborn.

Warmth and Comfort over Everything

Since the main purpose of swaddling is to keep your baby warm and snug while they sleep, make sure your swaddle for newborn provides adequate warmth and comfort for them. Swaddles made of soft fabrics are both comfortable and simple to use. These swaddles provide amazing warmth and keep your baby warm and comfortable as they sleep.

Additionally, your baby’s comfort should come first when choosing a swaddle for them. For that reason, swaddling your infant in cuddly, smooth-touch swaddles allows them to sleep happily and deeply. Think about choosing supple, durable textiles like cotton and bamboo that can handle your baby’s sensitive skin.

However, once a baby can roll over on its own, which can happen as early as two months for certain newborns, the majority of paediatricians will advise you to stop swaddling your little one. This is because they won’t be able to independently expand their airway if the swaddling blanket covers their nose or mouth. Given all this, it can be hazardous for a toddler to be swaddled.

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